We are going to meet twice a week, Monday and Thursday in X 1.031 .
Thinkshop: Monday 9:00 – 12:15 X 1.031
Workshop: Thursday 14:45 – 18:00 X 1.031
Week 0: 30.9. – 4.10.
- Wednesday: 2.10.
- Project Introductions in room X 1.022, 13:00 – 18:00
- Friday: 4.10.
- Definitive List of Participants
Part 1: Inspiration: “The Perfect Crime”
Week 1: 7.10. – 11.10.
- Monday: 7.10. Content & Form
- Conversation 1: “Your interests and goals”
- Lecture 1: “Why Ornaments?”
- Lecture 2: “What we are going to make and how”
- Exercise: Learning ornamental rules
- Thursday: 10.10. Material & Technology
- Lecture: “How to do a material study”
- Exercise: Material (cookie dough) study
Week 2: 14.10. – 18.10.
- Monday: 14.10. Content & Form
- Lecture: “The meanings of ornament”
- Workshop: Coding I – Repetition
- Thursday: 17.10. – Material & Technology
- Lecture: “Parametric/Generative Design – Rules & Data”
- Conversation: What do we want to read?
- Workshop 1: Coding II – Variation
- Workshop 2: Rapid Prototyping – 3D Print & Laser cut
Week 3: 21.10. – 25.10.
- Monday: 21.10. Content & Form
- Lecture: “Construction vs. Growth – Christopher Alexander”
- Exercise 1: Transitions, Rhythms & Variations
- Exercise 2: Form to Ornament
- Exercise 3: Process to Ornament
- Thursday: 24.10. Field Trip Eindhoven
- Friday: 25.10. Field Trip Eindhoven
Week 4: 28.10. – 1.11.
- Monday: 28.10. No class
- Thursday: 31.10. Content & Technology
- Conversation: “What we’ve learned in Eindhoven”
- Critique: Your Concept
Week 5: 4.11. – 8.11.
- Monday: 4.11. Workshop
- Workshop 1: 3D print our cutters and stamps
- (if necessary) Critique: Your Concept
- Thursday: 7.11. Workshop
- Exercise: Photoshoot
Part 2: Free Project “Natural Rules”
Week 6: 11.11. – 15.11.
- Monday: 11.11. Thinkshop
- Lecture: “What we did so far”
- Conversation: “What do you want to do this semester?”
- Thursday: 14.11. Workshop
- Lecture 1: “Design Process – Open Experiment or Product Design?”
- Workshop: “Coding III – Computational Beauty of Nature”
- Lecture 2: “How do I learn to code?”
Week 7: 18.11. – 22.11.
- Monday: 18.11.
- Conversation: “Tips for your project”
- Critique of 3 ideas per person
- Thursday: 21.11. Workshop
Week 8: 25.11. – 29.11.
- Monday: 25.11.
- Critique – 1 final project idea (per person/team)
- Thursday: 28.11. –
Week 9: 2.12. – 6.12.
- Monday: 2.12. Critique
- Open Experiment – first experimental results and insights
- Product Design – Problem Definition
- Thursday: 5.12.
Week 10: 9.12. – 13.12.
- Monday: 9.12. Critique
- Final Concept
- Thursday: 12.12. Critique & Workshop
Week 11: 16.12. – 20.12.
- Monday: 16.12. Design Writing & (Digital) didactic Design
- Thursday: 19.12. –
Part 3: Documentation
Week 10: 6.1. – 10.1.
- Monday: no class – Holiday
- Thursday: 9.1. Workshop
Week 11: 13.1. – 17.1.
- Monday: 13.1. Workshop
- Thursday: 16.1. Workshop
Week 12: 20.1. – 24.1.
- Monday: 20.1. –
- Thursday: 23.1. Presentation