Make a babe

by Emily Strowitzki

#informationGraphics #illustration #serviceDesign

This online platform explains fertility treatments and in vitro fertilisation for patients without prior medical knowledge.

Empathy by Design

Couples with fertility problems often find it hard to discuss this intimate issue with other people. They look for information online, mostly in forums, instead, and try to find answers to their questions on their own before contacting a doctor.

To ease their research, the makeababe platform offers a range of infographics about In vitro fertilisation, and clinical images of infertility. They were created in cooperation with a medical expert of reproductive medicine and infertility treatment.

We want to discuss the actual chances and risks of IVF and the personal experiences of others in a friendly and comforting context. A key component are explanatory graphics that help us understand and make the best choices. Another one is the exchange of experiences in our online community.

Want to find out more? Visit the web-prototype and follow @makeababe on facebook, twitter, or instagram!